Tuija's new Brazilian life

Thoughts about moving to Northern Brazil, adapting to a small town, building a house, raising two kids, studying, finding a job, being a mum and a wife, enjoying life with Christ.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Old clothes

Today I finally did some packing. Although I guess it was more rearranging and throwing stuff away than really packing... But still, getting there! I took all my clothes from the cupboard and sorted them into "will take along", "will leave at my mum's" and "won't need ever". The "won't need ever" pile was then divided into several smaller piles with people's names and one that was for recycling. We ended taking three bags of clothes into the recycling box near our house.

I also got together a nice bag of things for a pregnant friend as well as another pile for a Brazilian friend who had told me she needed some winter clothes. I told Everaldo we should give her a call and before we noticed she called me and asked if we were at home as she and her boyfriend were driving nearby. She loved all the clothes and also took a pair of winter boots that I don't need anymore!

Sorting out clothes has proved to be surprisingly emotional. We've been so greatly blessed by people giving us especially children's clothes. Now it feels so right to give them to others. It's a great feeling when you look at a piece of clothing and just know who you want to give it to and who probably would need it. It's also been slightly sad. I've felt so nostalgic going through some of the clothes; here's a shirt from India, bought in Paraguay and given to me by a great friend, this is the hippy-shirt I wore when I first met Everaldo in Bolivia, this one is the t-shirt with hand prints and writings from an exchange student camp years ago. There are some really old and worn pieces I just couldn't get rid of...

I'm still proud of myself as I got rid of LOADS of things just like that (some of you might know how hard it is for me to throw anything away!). Tomorrow I'll continue with the clothes and shoes and will then go back to the books. I started that one some time ago and there are a few boxes on the shelves but now I really have to get it done properly. I've planned to write a list of the contents of each box (that stays at my mum's) on the outside so it'll be easier to find a particular book should that be necessary later on. This all sounds great and organised; if I actually will get it done is to be seen...


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