Tuija's new Brazilian life

Thoughts about moving to Northern Brazil, adapting to a small town, building a house, raising two kids, studying, finding a job, being a mum and a wife, enjoying life with Christ.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Flight nightmare

We booked our flights to Brazil well in advance and managed to get a really good deal from a Christian travel agency recommended by our pastor. We got one way tickets actually half of the price of return tickets (instead of paying the same rate or more as the case usually is) and were really happy with everything. We had a 12-hour stop over in Brasilia where we were supposed to visit a friend, have a meal, take a shower and see some of Brasilia's famous architecture. Now you may have noticed the past tense of the verbs...

Varig recently cancelled all of their flights (obviously including ours) and they just started to reopen some of their routes. Everaldo called them yesterday just to see if they had any plans to reopen the route to Porto Velho and they said they had no idea when (and if) that was going to happen. So I had to call our travel agent today (who by the way has been extremely patient and helpful) in order to see if she could offer us anything else. Needless to say she couldn't offer any special prices with any other Brazilian airlines and although she did find a direct flight for us from São Paulo to Porto Velho the price was way too high.

So now we're facing the task to surf the internet in search of decent priced domestic flights to a destination most Brazilians don't even know exists... Sounds promising doesn't it!


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