Tuija's new Brazilian life

Thoughts about moving to Northern Brazil, adapting to a small town, building a house, raising two kids, studying, finding a job, being a mum and a wife, enjoying life with Christ.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Luggage nightmare

It seems our trip is getting more and more difficult every day... Everaldo spent an hour on the phone to Varig yesterday booking just one part of our Brazilian domestic flights and it's still not completely done. We however have now flights from São Paulo to Manaus. Today he'll try to fix the last leg from Manaus to Porto Velho.

This morning I was reading the newspaper and checking out the BA website in order to see what we're allowed to take with us on board and it doesn't look that good at all. Travelling with two toddlers and being allowed only nappies and nappy cream on board on a long haul flight is not a good combination. I'm hoping that by the time we fly we might be able to sneak in a book and a few pencils and paper for Luana and maybe a few toys for Lucas too. I guess it would be a liberating experience to travel with virtually no handluggage at all but really with kids you do need a few bits and pieces...

This is a good time to start bowing knees even more that what we've done so far.


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